Ayurvedic Practices to Beat the Summer Heat

Posted by Lauren on June 12, 2015

As summer approaches and temperatures rise, everyone is starting to look for ways to beat the heat. The ancient and holistic practice of Ayurveda offers some great insights about cooling down with delicious and nourishing foods. Eating right can reenergize you, stabilize your mood, and keep your body and mind refreshed.




Here are some great Ayurvedic insights to cool you off this summer:


  1. Balance your energies by managing your Pitta

In Ayurveda, there are three doshas, or energies: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Every person has a mixture of these energies, which can increase or decrease depending on environmental factors. Pitta is the energy which controls the body’s metabolism. Other qualities of Pitta include heat, sharpness, light, and acidity. To manage Pitta, which is more prevalent in the summer months, you can realign your diet to include more Pitta-balancing foods.




  1. Cooling foods doesn’t necessarily mean cold foods

While drinking a smoothie can be a great way to cool off, you don’t necessarily have to eat cold foods only. Food that is naturally sweet, astringent or bitter can also decrease Pitta. Beans and whole grains are great in the summer, as well as cooling spices like cilantro, fennel and coriander.


  1. Summer foods should be light and easily digestible

You’ll also want to stick to food that’s easily digested, and avoid heavier things like refined carbohydrates, red meat and deep fried food. Avoid overly salty or sour foods, as well as very hot spices like chili or cayenne. Cooked food is generally easier to digest, so look for a good balance of both raw and freshly-cooked whole foods in your diet.




  1. Ayurveda isn’t just about what you eat!

There are other ways to balance your Pitta besides changing your diet. Engage in calming activities like practicing yoga and meditation, visit the outdoors for a relaxing stroll, and wear clothing made of natural fibers like cotton or silk. Alcohol and stimulants such as coffee, tea and cigarettes are also best avoided.


For meditation supplies to help cool down and balance your energies this summer and year-round, visit www.barefootyoga.com!


Posted under Food and Cooking, Health and Fitness, Meditation

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